EDU-435 Air & Surface UV-C Disinfection Lamp Kills 2019 nCoVid Coronavirus in Under 30 Seconds COVID-19
The EDU-435 is currently being used to kill Coronavirus in California by Riverside County Emergency Medical Services Agency and in San Diego County in the ambulances that are involved in transporting patients with confirmed cases of Coronavirus.
It is also in use and in storage across the country at a growing number of EMS providers including Ebola Assessment Hospitals and for Biocontainment Mass Casualty Preparedness. The EDU-435 is designed for EMS, fire, police and hospitals.

At 5 feet (line-of-sight) away from the EDU-435, a 4-log (99.99%) disinfection of the Corona VIrus is achieved in 19 seconds. In 24 seconds the log reduction increases to 5-log (99.999%); and in 28 seconds = 6-log (99.9999%) reduction.
UV-C germicidal disinfection is not linear, but rather it follows an inverse square.

'Lethal' Disinfection is a combination of time x intensity. Intensity is a fixed variable at the 5 foot distance, so time is the only adjustable variable. If an area is 50% shaded, we must double the disinfection time. Line-of-sight required to achieve 4-log disinfection of CoVid19 = 19 seconds. 4-log reduction on a 50% shadowed surface = 38 seconds (19 seconds x 2), and 152 seconds in an area that is 80% shadowed. The same math holds true for all the pathogens.
All times listed are a worse-case scenario calculation assuming that one of the four lamps is wholly or partially blocked, and assuming that germicidal lamp output had degraded over time to only at 90%.